P-06-1213 Ban leisure use of Seadoo/jet ski in Cymru. Except in strictly controlled designated areas, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 02.05.23


Dear/Annwyl Chair & Petitions committee,


Many thanks for forwarding the reply from the Minister for Climate change.


It seems that, sadly, the minister is abdicating responsibility for this  & falling back on the ‘not devolved’ excuse.


Bluntly but I hope not rudely, I find her reply to the committee, pathetic, mealy mouthed & issue dodging nonsense.


I fervently abhor the fact that, in effect, the Minister is happy to rest on an updated MSA1995, the not fit for purpose local authority by laws & the Marine code of practice, when what is needed is a single all Cymru solution.


However, as noted, Westminster will amend MSA 1995 to include PWC’s in its legislation. How sad it is, that we couldn’t raise the will to bring in more effective legislation ourselves?


The legislation itself is an improvement on the Status Quo but that’s a low bar and will do little to stem the irresponsible behaviour of the minority who abuse their privilege


I would like to thank the chair & members of the petitions committee for your diligence but I’m disappointed that we fail to bring in legislation to control this serious & dangerous  nuisance.



Richard Jenkins